Saturday, November 22, 2008

Riverbank Zoo. . .

Each year we make a trip to Riverbank Zoo. We have gone every year since I was pregnant with Brynn. We typically go in May or June. This year we didn't make it until August.

Every year we always plan on getting to the zoo when it opens and it never happens. We usually make it there before lunch. Right when it is starting to get hot. For some unknown reason, this year we ACTUALLY made it to the zoo about 15 minutes after they opened. It was so nice to be there when the animals are 1st coming out. They are alot more active. Another bonus was we beat the heat!!!

We normally skip the area where the merry go round is but this year Brynn spotted it. We rode it twice and she wasn't very happy that we weren't riding it a 3rd time. Lesson Learned !!! When entering the zoo make a right causing the merry go round to be closer to the exit.

Addie and MeUs girls

Brynn went on the pony ride. This is one of her favorite parts. She also feed the lorikeets this year.A funny thing happened while we were feeding the birds. A man that was in there with his daughters started talking to us(me and Brandon's dad). He asked my dad-in-law how old our daughter was. I about had a stroke and I think Brandon's dad did too. He could hardly get his words out. He told the man that Brynn was his granddaughter and I was... I finished his sentence with DAUGHTER IN LAW!!!!!

Brynn wanted to feed the giraffes. We stopped to do that. This is another good part about getting to the zoo early, none of the animals have eaten that much so they are hungry!
Brynn didn't mind that the nasty giraffe tongue was all over her hand, me on the other hand was having a TH moment and quickly brought out the sanitizer! Addie was not a big fan of this hugh animal coming towards her. Hopefully next year she will be more open to the idea.

We made our annual photo op on the tiger.Each year the zoo moves their statues around so it is fun to try to find the new spot.
We skipped the reptile exhibit this year but made it to see the penguins. Some how we also forget about this exhibit. I know why now. You have to walk past the EXTREMELY STINKY FLAMINGOS!!! It was a neat show, you almost forget about the smell until you walk out and it hits you in the face again.

Brynn looking for the penguins
Poor Addie feel asleep about half way through the zoo. She was knocked out.It was a great day spent as a family. I can't wait until next year!!!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

God my goodness I bet your dad in law about died!

When we went the birds would not even come down to eat. Zoe loves the pony ride too.