Saturday, December 13, 2008

Such a Sweet Girl. . .

Today on the way home, Brynn said the sweetest thing.

B: Mom, you know what I am thankful for?

M: No, what are you thankful for?

B: Moms!

M: Really, why are you thankful for moms?

B: Because they are helpful and do nice things for you. And you should be thankful when people do nice things for you.

It was the sweetest thing.

I wanted to document this little conversation because I am sure in a few years she may forget that she should be thankful for her mom!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Upward Cheerleading. . .

~~~~~I looking at my post list and realized I never made this post~~~~~

I thought I would let Brynn try an activity for the 1st time. She turned 4 this year. All her friends were doing something so I figured this must be the age when extra activities begin. So what better place to start than Upward Cheerleading!

I guess we should work on giving up our sippey cup before she turns 5!Team Photo2 Silly Little Girls
Brynn IS NOT a morning person and we really realized this about 1/2 way through the season. She just wanted to sit on her bucket until 1/2time and after that she was ready to cheer.
Before 1/2time:After 1/2time:
She had a wonderful season, but we have decided to hold off on basketball cheerleading. We will pick back up in the fall....maybe :)
Brynn with Coach SummerBrynn with Coach GGetting her award

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Birthday....

to my blog!!!

1 year ago today I started this blog...

and I have to admit, I never really thought I would keep it up, but I DID!!!

It has been a great way to keep up with all the things that happen in our lives and to share those events with friends and family.

I have became friends with people that I otherwise would have never known and grown closer to those I do.

I enjoy hearing about everyone's experience and hope you enjoy mine!

Thanks for reading!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Prayer Request. . .

Stacy and family are on their way back to SC. Noah's appendix is inflammed but the Drs. said they could come home. He is supposed to see the Dr here tomorrow. Stacy is going to try to make it home without stopping. The weather is not supposed to be good (snow). Please, please pray they have a safe trip home and NO more problems.

Can you please say a prayer for my friend, Stacy and her family. They went to New Year for Thanksgiving and have not had the best of luck. They were supposed to come home on Sunday but are still in New York. Their car wouldn’t start and had to wait to have it fixed today. On top of that, two of her children, Zoe and Noah, were sick. Noah is still sick. They are at the hospital now in New York. The Drs. think it may be his appendix but are still running test. Please pray for their family.

Friday, November 28, 2008

We've Been Elfed. . .

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Carded. . .

Tonight, Brandon, Addie, and I went to the mall to pick somethings up. Addie fell asleep right before we got there so she was sleeping in her stroller. Brandon was pushing Addie and we were talking as we entered the mall when the mall security guard stopped us.

She asked me if I was 18! 18, I sorta laughed and said NO I am 25. She then asked Brandon if he was 18! He told her he was 24. We then had to show her our IDs to prove it to her.

I know we both look young...but younger than 18? I just don't know about that. It was pretty funny!

As we were leaving, the same lady was stopping a group of teenagers of which I am SURE were under 18! At least I know the mall actually does enforce the curfew.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day. . .

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. I also hope that everyone has safe travels to where ever this day leads you.

We are headed to my in-laws for lunch. I have to actually make a dish this beans. I know, it's not hard, but I wanted to bring something like this so that I couldn't mess it up. There will be close to 30 people there so that's alot of green beans.

After we leave there, we are going to visit my parents. My mom isn't cooking this year because of everything that has happened with my dad recently. I will probably take them a plate from the in-laws.

At some point I am going to try to take a nap but who knows if that will ever happen! I am going shopping tonight with some great friends. This is one of my favorite things to do each year! I absolutely LOVE it! Hopefully by tomorrow morning my Christmas shopping will be complete and I will have gotten the items I am going for!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

New Accessories. . .

It is getting pretty cold outside over the past week, but the kids are still going out to play at school. I was at my favorite store the other day and decided I should get Brynn some gloves and a scarf.

She loves her new gloves and "scerf" as she calls it.

I have tried and tried to get her to say it correctly but she insists it is a scerf!

I Can't Believe It. . .

Since I was up to all hours working on my blog because I couldn't go to sleep, I was awake when this event took place.

*This may not seem like a big deal to some but to us it is a tremendous accomplishment!*

I finally made myself go to bed around 3:30 am. I was just laying there when I heard Brynn coming through the house. My 1st thought was that she was coming to get in our bed. She doesn't do this often but when she does, we let her stay.

I was wrong. She never came in. I turned to look out our bedroom door to find the bathroom light on. She was going to the potty in the middle of the night!!!

I truly thought this day would NEVER come. She has been potty trained during the day since she was 2 and 1/2 but the night thing is a whole other story. Sometimes she would go weeks without wetting her pull-up. Other times, she would wake up wet for several days straight.

We did try 1 time, after she had gone 3 weeks being dry every night, to let her wear her underwear to bed...BIG MISTAKE!!! She wet the bed 3 nights in a row. That was the end of that. It was too much trouble changing sheets everyday.

You see, I thought this day would never come because she takes after Brandon....and me too....we both love our sleep and are very sound sleepers. I thought she would never be able to feel the sensation while she was asleep! But....SHE CAN!!!!

So maybe just maybe you can understand my excitement. I thought she would be wearing pull-ups until she was 10 (not really, but you know what I mean) but now I know that there is a light at the end of the potty training tunnel!!

In Honor of Stacy. . .

and to stay up to date on my posting now that I am ALL caught up!!! I can hardly believe it.

Back to the matter at hand...

Thank you for my blogging award Stacy:)

"This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

So now I am awarding this wonderful award to...
  1. Ali's Thoughts
  2. My Life as a Zookeeper
  3. it's all small stuff!
  4. Kelly's Krazy Kids
  5. A Contentment Journey
  6. Life Beyond the Pink
  7. That's how we roll!
  8. A Dearybury Day

I could have added more because I love all the blogs I read but some were already used and I tried to follow the rules and pick only 8.

Funny Pictures. . .

The other day the girls were playing with Brynn's tutu in a nontraditional way. The results was hilarious.

Addie kept walking around shaking her head from side to side. She reminded me of someone with a pink afro.

Brynn wanted hers down in her face so she could look like she was getting married. I honestly don't know where she comes up with all this wedding stuff.

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving. . .

Brynn came home from school the other day with a craft.

She had to tell something that she was thankful for.

* The picture is a little blurry *

I about peed my pants when I read this. Of all the things to be thankful for my daughter chooses Poptarts!

I think her class must have been making this the morning we were running late and she was finishing her breakfast walking into to her classroom. I am bad mom I know.

Fun at the Grahams. . .

This past Saturday, we went to visit our very good friends the Grahams. We haven't seen them in awhile so it was great to catch up.

Brynn was the most excited to be going to visit because they have animals (cat and dog). Brynn LOVES animals! She wanted to play with their cat so bad but it is a tiny bit antisocial or just terrified of a 4 year old that is constantly coming right for her. Lexy did let Brynn pet her a few times which seemed to satisfy her.

We went to a park that is near Patrick and Ali's house to let the girls play. They had so much fun. I wish we had a nice park like that 1 near us.

Brynn with elephant ears

Going down the slide with some help

Addie going down the slide like a big girl

Brynn having fun

We had a great time catching up with Ali and Patrick and hope to see them a little sooner from now on :)

Mircacle Round. . .

or better known as a merry go round!

Brandon's mom has a new Christmas merry go round and Brynn loves it. She puts her happy meal Barbies in it to go for a ride. She loves the music that it plays. She stands there for what seems like hours watching it go round and round. The entire time she keeps telling everyone to come look at her new miracle round.

We have all tried and tired to tell her that it is called a MERRY GO round but she is very insistent that it is called a MIRACLE round. So from now until she decides to call it the correct word, we will all have to call it the miracle round.

Baby Ava. . .

My friend that I have known since kindergarten, Tasha, had her 1st baby on November 4th. Her name is Ava Blythe. She is so cute. Ava weighed 6 lbs 13 ozs and was 20 1/2 ins. They are all doing great. I am so happy for Tasha and Ryan!!

A Funny. . .

Setting- our house, a Disney commercial is on featuring none other than Cinderella's castle.

Brynn: (speaking as if she is about to burst out of her skin) Mom, did you call it in?

Me: (confused) Did I call what in?

Brynn: Did you call in my pump it up party for when I am this many (holds up her 5 fingers).

Me: No...I haven't done that yet. (If you remember, she just had her party 2 months ago...I guess she is a planner like me.)

Brynn: (even more excited than before) GREAT!!!! I don't want to have my party there. I want to have my party at.....DISNEY WORLD!!!!! and have all my friends come.

Me: Well...umm...we'll have to see about that.

Girl's Night. . .

Brynn and I had a girl's night a few Fridays ago. We went to the movies. I have never taken her to the movies. It is something Brandon and her usually do together.

We went to see Madagascar 2. We loved the 1st 1 and by loved I mean we have seen it close to 1000 times...not kidding. It was 1 of the 1st movies Brynn ever watched all the way through. So I figured we should go see the 2nd.

She still had some money left from her birthday and I thought this was something she could use it for. We got our tickets and went to the concession stand. We both got our favorites...Brynn - sour watermelon gummies, me - nachos and cheese (I know disgusting, but I love it). I haven't been to the movies in a while and I guess I had forgotten how expensive it can be. This is when the MasterCard commercial starts running through my head...
Movie Tickets:$15.75

Seeing that smile: Priceless

We picked out just the right sit and waited for the movie to start.

I thought it was a little long. Brynn wanted to leave when the movie had about 20 minutes left but we stayed. It had some parts that I thought were not very appropriate. I have to say we love Madagascar way more than Madagascar 2.

All in all we had fun spending time together by ourselves!!

Trunk or Treat. . .

True Romance Between a Bat & a Poodle...Only on Halloween
On Halloween, we went to Trunk or Treat at our church. It is amazing our early people start getting in line for this event. It starts around 6 or 6:30 and people probably start the line about 45 minutes prior to that.

We got there about 30 minutes before it started but somehow did not leave until it was over. Propably my fault since I stopped at SM car and helped hand out candy. Brandon finished taking Brynn around to the rest of the cars and they came back to help too.

I was suprised and shocked at how many teenagers came around (NOT dressed up) to get candy. This didn't bother me as much as the adults that were coming around without ANY children.

Addie loved passing out candy to people.
She would scream if we didn't let her do it!

First North Fall Festival. . .

Another local church had a fall festival at night. They have more rides than our church and some are alot bigger. We went with a group...large group mind you...of our friends. This is a picture of just the kids.

Funny how all the boys are on 1 side and the girls are on the other side!

It was fun. They have a lot more rides than our church. Addie went on her 1st ride by herself! Well, without a parent. She rode with Brynn and Zachary and LOVED much that she screamed and cried when it was time to get off.

It was really cold, the lines were long(on the bigger rides), it was getting late (for some), and 1 family hadn't had dinner (my fault...still feel bad about that Stacy) so our numbers began to dwindled.

A few of us braved it out (in our cars) to see the firework show. It was a good show. Brynn and Addie both enjoyed it.

Boo In The Zoo. . .

This is another 1 of our yearly traditions. This year we went with our friends the Waddell's. It was the same as last year. The line was long but moved fast. It is neat to see all the different costumes. Some are traditional, some are a popular character, but some are really creative. I saw this guy that was dressed up like a pirate and was carrying his son who was a parrot on his shoulder. We did go through the reptile house year and I remembered once we were in there why we skipped it. It is very loud and very crowded!

What are Daddy's for?Annual Photo
Some of our friends went to Riverbank Zoo for their Boo In The Zoo and had a great time. I think we are going to try that next year... to change it up a bit!

Field Trip. . .

Brynn had her 1st field trip of the year to Niven's Apple Farm. This is where we went to pick a pumpkin. We have never picked apples there before so this was new to us.We started by going on a hayride. Let me just tell I don't think I have ever been that close to people (other than my family) before. I think we had 4 classes (which included teachers, children in the class, parents, and some siblings) all piled on to 1 trailer. We were on top of each other, but the kids didn't seem to mind.

At the end of the hayride, we were drop off to pick a bag of apples. I couldn't believe how many there were. Brynn loved it!! She filled her bag in no time and went to filling my hands and her hands.
Those little bags are busting at the sems!

They had a snack after that which did not go over well. You see not all classes had the same snack. The problem: Brynn's friend is in a different class and had a different snack. Not to worry...Ella Kate saved the day by sharing her snack!!!

Notice the red face and teary eyes! At least Ella is all smiles.
The girls went to play on the tires and see the animals last.

AMRBC Fall Festival. . .

Our church has had it's annual fall festival. It is free to the community and is usually held the same weekend that our county fair is in town. We went to both last year but chose to only go to our fall festival this year. It's is less crowded, clean, and a lot safer!

We had a great time and the weather was beautiful. We stayed pretty much the entire time it went on.
Brynn riding the train with Ella and Mr. Micheal

Addie with Karson and Lizzie Grace

This was a pretty funny sight. If you look closely to the far left and right of the photo you will see 2 grown men racing up the gigantic inflatable obstacle course. I am sad to say that one is my husband, the other belongs to this poor soul.

Brynn and Ella on the swings.

And yes I assure you, my child DID wear shoes to this outdoor event, but it was too much of a hassle to put them on and off every time she got into one of those inflatables.

Addie always seems to fall asleep when we go places. She slept in her stroller under a table while we had lunch.

The 2 love birds

The main reason we stayed as long as we did was for 2 reasons: 1. My dear friend talked me into running the cotton candy machine for an hour with another friend. This was a sight to see! I kinda got the hang of it after a few trys, but it was pretty windy that day so I still had it all over me! Sorry no picture to share. 2. Brandon had to help with something towards the end.

Can't wait until next year...well...I maybe I can...Cotton candy is still fresh in my mind :)

Sleeping. . .

I had to share this picture. I laughed so hard when I saw Addie sleeping with no clothes on and only 1 shoe.

She LOVES shoes! She must have only found 1 and put it on. She had been walking around our house for a while with that shoe before she finally feel asleep.

The Blogging Marathon Continues. . .

I didn't get finished the other day but today is the day!!


If there is a record for number of post in 1 day I think I am going to break it!! Hope you can keep up :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The New Band. . .

well sort of...

if you can have a band with 3 guitar players ONLY...

with 1 member playing only Backyardigan songs...

with 1 member making lots of noise (NOT music)...

and only 1 member that can actually play guitar...Maybe the 1 member who actually plays guitar can teach the other 2 members to play and they can call themselves a band ...

Until that happens, it will be interesting to hear the "music" coming from our house!