Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow Night & Day. . .

We were so excited that it was snowing. Between Brynn and I, we probably looked out the window a thousand times. Brynn kept asking when she could go out. Finally, around 11 pm-yes i mean at night, I decided to let her go out. I knew by the morining it would be raining and the snow would be ruined. Brynn and I put on our snow gear and out we went. Brandon thought I was crazy for letting our 3 year old go out that late, but I figured she is only little once and we need to build memories.

In the morning we went out for just a bit as a family. The snow was not as pretty as it had been the night before but Brynn had fun throwing snowballs at Brandon!

On a different note... On my way back to work from taking Brynn to school, I saw a snowman in someone's yard and could not resist taking a picture...

Yes folks the snowman or should I say snowwomen is wearing lacy pink and black under garments.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

I love the cute snow pictures - especially the snowlady! :)