Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Traditions Old and New. . .

Well I am little behind but I am going to try to catch up today. We have lots of Christmas traditions between Brandon's family and mine. This year Brandon and I thought we would start a few of our own. So here they are:


Going to parent's on Christmas Eve

Opening 1 present at home - pajamas

Making cookies for Santa

Reading Christmas stories before bed

Getting a new Hallmark ornment

Adding an ornment to Brynn's tree


Eating spaghetti dinner on Christmas eve

Having a birthday cake for Jesus

Leaving reindeer food


Rhonda said...

I really like this post - neat idea. I might try it on mine...

Santa Claus said...

Oh... I may have forgot to mention it and if I did I apologize. The reindeer REALLY appreciated the food left for them. They need the energy during their long Christmas Eve flight. So... Thank you.

Your friend,