One year ago today, our family grew by 1. Addison Grace was born at 1:34 PM weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces.
I had no idea how our lives would change over the next year. Adding a new member to our family proved challenging at times, juggling 2 children is ALOT different than 1! But, Addie was welcomed blessing.
I thought that since I had 2 girls they would be similar....don't know where I got that idea! They are completely different.
Addie is most definitely a Mommy's girl. If she had to pick between Brandon and me, it would always be me. She is a lover, always laying her head on you, hugging you. She needs lots, all of your attention, if she is not getting guessed it...she is crying. She is a smiler. Addie almost always has a smile on her face (when she is getting her way)! She is a giver. She never hesitates to give you anything (unless it's a juice box that she has found). She is a girly girl. She loves the baby dolls. Addie absolutely adores her big sister.
Addie has grown so much in her 1st year of life. She crawled at 6 months, walked at 9 months. Her teeth finally came at 10 months. She has 5 now. She now weighs 21 pounds! She is saying a few things...mama, dada, bye bye.Addie has been a wonderful addition to our family. We love her SOO much and can not imagine our family without her!
5 hours ago
What a precious, sweet girl!! We love her sooo much and wish her the very best first birthday!! We'll bring a lot of juice boxes to celebrate. ;)
Look at those big teeth shining in that pictures. Tell Addie that Ms. Summer loves her soo much. I will give her some more juice boxes!!! Can't wait to see her tomorrow!!
Happy Birthday Addie!! We love you! I remember the day you were born. I was so excited when your dad called me!
I am so sorry but we will not be able to make it up tomorrow. Patrick has a thing at church all day! Are ya'll going to be home next weekend?
Happy Birthday, pretty girl!
What a beautiful baby girl! Happy Birthday, sweet Addie!
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